David 27th August 2021

To My Dad, It is now 2 years since we have been apart and I always think of you every day. I so wish we could all be together again but I know that isn't possible and the reality is we won't be and that breaks my heart on a daily basis. I miss you so much and will always love you with all my heart. Mum misses you too and although she doesn't talk about it much I know her heart will never mend, you are the love of her life. Sasha loves you and misses you, you are her bestest pal in all the world and always will be, she misses all the adventures you always had together and we will go and sit by your favourite bench today at the walkies woods. You are and always will be the Best Man I Will Ever Know.....you are my dad and my best mate. Love Always + Forever + Ever Your Ever Loving Son David XXX